Content from 2021-08

Technologies for a distributed blog
posted on 2021-08-20 19:15:00

So in the previous entry I set the goal of a distributed blog. How would one implement it?

I decided to go to a static site generator. And since I'm a Common Lisp hobbyist I chose Coleslaw, to learn it and possibly improve it if necessary. However, one may use whatever (static) blogware they want, or write html files by hand.

At the same time, I studied a bit the distributed web ecosystem and found out two promising technologies:

  • IPFS
  • Hypercore protocol / Beaker browser

In the following posts I will describe my experience with them, as a complete novice. I guess this won't stay relevant for long as technology evolves, but it may still inspire or teach something.

That's all for now!

This blog covers distributed-web

View content from 2021-08, 2021-07

Unless otherwise credited all material Creative Commons License by Alessio Stalla